...so here we go. A decade of Jala, Karkand, BF2, DoA, Wins & Fails and other trash.
Took some screenshots over the years, some deliberately, some accidentally - mainly to capture historical moments. I've included some scoreboards with legendary people, i'm sure i'll bring some nostalgia back to life to some of you.. like "Oh, i totally forgot about that pr'ck!" Some have been already posted years ago, not sure where they've gone. Whatever.
Pictures are clickable.
Pretty much where it started. A young SKAS with yellow stripes.. in the original ranking!
Featuring some ~ERR~s and their fun version of me (3rd from Bottom).
Yes, there was more Action back then...
..and people were more crazy.
And pretty much every evening ended like this.
Thanks kazi for giving me those crucial points for my *** Stars. Nade Jokes ahead.
Buuut... no round without a notorious rockglitcher. Super annoying as defending MEC.
Sure, you can just ban them..
(Afterall you have to be special type of stupid to glitch with a full squad of ~DoA~ swarming the rocks)
I still think this is a more fun way to deal with the problem.
We always got a nice "Welcome" when we were guests on other servers.. kind of.
Yes we can, bitch.
Quick Tip:
If you want to make SKAS happy... just Teamstack like hell..
Kind of unfair sometimes, but fun. Just dont overdo.
Some random War Rosters, matches, training..